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If you’d have told me a few years ago that I would be featured on a podcast by Michelle Schaffer , I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have believed you!

I use to listen to the Souled Out Entrepreneur podcast all the time on my commute in LA… so inspired by this amazing woman and her clear calling from the Lord.

I’m honored to be the guest this week on her new podcast, Girl Power Alliance.

Check it out below!

Real quick, let’s get some introductions out of the way, shall we?

Welcome! Nice to meet you!

I’m Kelly Gabel and I am a multi-passionate, Faith-based entrepreneur.

My mission is to take you from Overwhelmed to Empowered in the technology and process aspects of your business!

I know what it’s like to start a business and then wake up one day and realize that running a business is NOTHING like you thought it would be!

I’ve got you!

Your unique talents and voice are so needed in the world and I am honored to have the opportunity to help you take the first steps towards creating the business you actually want!

Most businesses are run by a team of people with different skillsets!
So what are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to running your business?
How can you fill in the gaps in your 1-person team? 
Take the 2-minute quiz to find out!

For more free business training, come join me over on YouTube! You can leave comments there with specific tools and training you need. You can also find me on Facebook HERE. I sincerely hope you hop over there! I would love to connect with you personally!

Check it Out! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Don’t have time to watch it right now?  That’s ok! Just make sure you Pin It for later!