Hello! I’m Kelly
Tech-Savvy Business Mentor
I started my first business as a side hustle over 15 years ago. Even before the world of online coaching blew up, I was researching, learning, and mastering the skills needed to grow my business and be present for my clients all without spending 24/7 tied to my phone or computer. I learned quickly that small business customers want to feel like you are there for them whenever they need you, regardless of the fact that you are just one person.
If I hadn’t learned to automate certain aspects of my business, and to grow and adapt to the ever-changing technology available to an entrepreneur, I never would have had time to actually coach my clients (that’s the whole point, isn’t it?)
Over time, I became so knowledgeable and skilled at this type of technology that my corporate employer took notice and started having me design processes and systems to do the same for them. About a year ago, I was recruited away from that company, largely due to those skills, and now work at a Fortune 5 company doing the same thing!
Knowing the basics of business tech, such as creating email automations, a basic landing page, a simple website/blog, and effectively using organizational tools to boost my productivity has granted me the amazing freedom to follow my business where my clients and my purpose lead.
Is it time for you to do the same? Let’s talk!