Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve been using the Trello Dashcards Power-Up since its release, mainly for its aesthetic appeal. Recently, I upgraded my Trello account to the Standard level and discovered an incredible feature of Dashcards that requires Trello Custom...
Reading Time: 2 minutes #trello #trello checklists #trello productivity Using Trello Checklists can be a great way to manage repetitive tasks in your business, but what if you have a LOT of checklist items that need to be reset every week (or worse, every day)? Have...
Reading Time: 2 minutes #trello #recurringtasks #taskreminders Are you ready to SUPERCHARGE your Recurring Tasks and Reminders in Trello? Recently, in the Membership, I was asked how to create automation that not only reset due dates, but also moved cards around the...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Is Trello getting greedy? I know that a lot of Trello users are upset at some of the changes Trello is making to their Free Plan. Specifically, the fact that they are going to start limiting a Free Workspace to 8 collaborators. They are so...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Consistency…everyone is talking about how important it is to the success of your business. So how do you use online tools to help you create that consistency? In this video, I’m showing you just one of the ways that I leverage online platforms...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Looking for a way to take Trello for a test drive? I know that it can be intimidating to come up with a way to try out a tool like Tello and see if it can actually help you get organized in your business. My Business Schedule Freedom Formula...
I’m Kelly and it’s so nice to meet you! I started my first business as a side hustle over 15 years ago. Even before the world of online coaching blew up...