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email marketing
Hi there Solopreneur!

Why is it that email marketing is one of the most resisted forms of marketing for small business?

I can tell you some of the reasons I resisted it for so long.

  • No clue what to write
  • No time to write/send regular emails
  • No belief that email marketing is effective
  • No desire to annoy subscribers with pointless emails

So, then, why am I writing this post about the ways to use email marketing in your business?

Real quick, let’s get some introductions out of the way, shall we?

Welcome! Nice to meet you!

I’m Kelly Gabel and I am a multi-passionate, Faith-based solopreneur.

Through the Tech-Savvy Academy, my mission is to help you


I know what it’s like to start a business and then wake up one day and realize that running a business is NOTHING like you thought it would be!

I’ve got you!

Your unique talents and voice are so needed in the world and I am honored to have the opportunity to help you take the first steps towards creating the business you actually want!

For more free business training, come join me over on YouTube! You can leave comments there with specific tools and training you need. You should also come join the It Takes a Village: Solopreneur Success Through Community Facebook group! This is not your mother’s Facebook business group 😉 I sincerely hope you hop over there! I would love to connect with you personally!

So…why am I here trying to convince you that email marketing is worth your valuable business time?

For a few reasons, but the primary being that, according to current statistics and trends, each marketing dollar spent on email marketing leads to an average of 4200% ROI (return on investment).


Now, you might not yet be spending dollars on your marketing strategies, but you could just as easily substitute dollars for minutes in that statistic.

Now are you starting to understand why I recommend the use of email marketing as a part of your overall marketing strategy?

Not to mention the realities that diversification in marketing are always recommended by business experts and your email list, in contrast to your social media followers, is an entity you own and control. 

So, I’m assuming that since you are still scrolling and reading, you are starting to wonder what this would really look like in your business. 

It will vary some based on the type of business you have, but here are a few ideas to get you started!

Establish a Relationship

One of the first email marketing strategies I recommend to my clients is a Welcome Series.

Regardless of how they entered your email list, as a new lead, this is your best moment to establish a relationship with them because this is when they are most engaged!

This email series can  be long or as short as 3 or fewer emails. The idea is to provide them with some item of value (opt-in/freebie/lead magnet), tell them more about you and who you serve, and attempt to get them to tell you more about them and their needs.

The beauty of an automated Welcome Series is that it gives your readers that instant gratification we all crave…even you are sleeping when they sign up!

Show Them How You Can Help Them

Another valuable use of Email Marketing in your business is to regularly educate your readers on the topics in your area of expertise. 

If you are using the right lead magnet(s), these emails should be right up your readers’ alley!

They also build that know/like/trust factor we’re all after! 

Create a Sales Funnel

This one I’ve talked about before and is one of the end goals of building your email list.

You can post and promote on social media, etc. all you want, but you will never get such a return on your investment than when you are selling to the people you have been building a relationship with over time.

While it is possible to get that same relationship through a Facebook group, there is so much competition for their attention on Facebook…not to mention, with the constant algorithm changes, there’s no guarantee they will even SEE your sales posts, unless you tag them in every single one…and who wants to do that?

Wrapping It Up

So, to wrap it up, these suggestions for how to use email marketing in your business are essentially the development of authentic relationship culminating, ideally, in revenue for your business!

There are plenty of other uses for email marketing, but as you are getting started, these are the most effective for the success of your business.

Are there any ways that you use email marketing in your business that I didn’t mention?

Comment below and tell me about it!


If you can’t wait to get started with your email marketing…start with this training blog series from The Village FB community where I go over everything from choosing your email marketing platform, to actually creating the email automations themselves! No sign-up required!


  *Heads up…there are a lot of links on my blog! Business tools are not one-size-fits-all, so I’m going to talk to you about what I think are your best options. If you choose to purchase through an affiliate link, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. You can see my disclaimer here. 

**When I am comparing multiple platforms in one post, the double (**) indicates the platform I am currently using for my business.