Welcome to the TSA WeeklyÂ
by Kelly L. Gabel
The perfect addition to your Morning Routine
Read on for your Tech Tip, Sentiment, and Action for the week!
Tech Tip
This week’s tip is maybe a little more mindset than tech.
Stop letting well-meaning mentors convince you to spend more than is comfortable on tools with all the bells and whistles because you need it to take your business to the next level.
I promise, you don’t.
Will you want that fancy tool when your business does hit the next level? Maybe! When that happens, you budget will likely be more prepared to make it a comfortable purchase.
The opposite of “never enough” isn’t abundance or “more than you could ever imagine.”
–BrenĂ© Brown
Take a look at your business budget and be honest about what you are comfortable spending on software subscriptions based on how much income you are consistently making now…not what you hope to or plan to be making in the future.
Let it be Easy,