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Welcome to the TSA Weekly 
by Kelly L. Gabel
The perfect addition to your Morning Routine

Read on for your Tech Tip, Sentiment, and Action for the week! 

Tech Tip

Change can feel like a scary risk, but if you are ready for your business to grow or if you are already outgrowing your current systems and processes, the bigger risk is holding on too tight to what you know.

I’m not suggesting change for the sake of change, but if you do your research and get help where you need it, change can be the best risk you’ll ever take!



“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

— Mark Zuckerberg

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Be honest with yourself. What change are you currently resisting in your business that you know is holding you back?

Take the first step towards making that change (hint: research is a great place to start!)

Let it be Easy,

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