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Welcome to the TSA Weekly 
by Kelly L. Gabel
The perfect addition to your Morning Routine

Read on for your Tech Tip, Sentiment, and Action for the week! 

Tech Tip

🤔 It’s so easy to overthink things. 🤔

There are so many choices, so many decisions to make every day, especially when it comes to which apps and tools to use for your business.

Should you stick with what’s free? Invest in convenience? Go with what your mentor uses?

Unfortunately, there’s no one right answer here except for this.

Keep it simple.

The more complicated, the less likely you are you use it.

Oh, and one more thing…don’t forget to ask for help! That’s what I’m here for!

I look forward to helping you find the simple answer that you are looking for and showing you how to use it!

In fact, I have something coming next month, that I’m really excited to show you, that is going be the perfect resource for you as you find your perfect tools and learn how to use them!



Comment “Sneak Peek” if you want a sneak peek at what I’m talking about!

Let it be Easy,

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