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Welcome to the TSA Weekly 
by Kelly L. Gabel
The perfect addition to your Morning Routine

Read on for your Tech Tip, Sentiment, and Action for the week! 

Tech Tip

I recently had a new client reach out to me regarding something that wasn’t working correctly in the Membership.

This kind of thing happens from time to time when you release something new. There are always a few bugs to work through.

What I loved, though, was that she asked if someone on my ‘team’ could look into it.


That is the beauty of automation.

🪄 My ‘team’ is the little elves behind the scenes making the magic happen.

⏱️ My ‘team’ is the time I’ve invested in setting up automated actions in my business.

⚙️ My ‘team’ allows me to stay a proud Solopreneur, while remaining a well-oiled machine.



This can all be true for you too.

Click to start your FREE Trial today!

Let it be Easy,

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