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Welcome to the TSA Weekly 
by Kelly L. Gabel
The perfect addition to your Morning Routine

Read on for your Tech Tip, Sentiment, and Action for the week! 

Tech Tip

Is your vision clear?

One of the biggest mistakes I see Solopreneurs making is not taking the time to clarify their vision for the business they are working so hard to build.

Sure, you might be setting goals for what you want to accomplish, but what do you want your life to look like once you are living in that reality?

Understanding your vision doesn’t absolve you from the hard work ahead to make it a reality, but it will help you keep going on the days that you just aren’t feeling it.


email marketing


This Friday, I’m posting a video on my YouTube Channel that will take you through a 2-minute exercise to help you clarify your vision. 

Go check it out and save it to add to your Morning Routine!

Let it be Easy,

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