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Welcome to the TSA Weekly
by Kelly L. Gabel

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration, Efficiency, and Action

🧠 Thought of the Week

“Instead of saying “I don’t have time” try saying “it’s not a priority,” and see how that feels.”

Laura Vanderkam

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I know that this quote might trigger your defensive side. I know it did for me.

Do me a favor, though, and take a breath and read it again.

Don’t look at it like an accusation.

Let this be an invitation to take a look at where you’ve been spending your time.

Is everything on your schedule something that actually matters to you?

I’d be willing to bet that at least one thing you do every single day is something that you do solely because it’s “what you’ve always done‌” or what you’re “supposed to do”.

Now, sometimes, we have to do things we’d rather not do, but is there anything that no longer serving you and is preventing you from doing something you really care about?

⚙️ Streamline Your Week

This week’s tutorial is a cool new Canva hack that I just learned.

Now, this particular hack might not streamline your week by itself, but the more you learn about an app you are using, the more comfortable you will feel in that tool which will ultimately help you accomplish your regular tasks on that platform much more quickly.

I suggest you take a few minutes to give this cool photo hack a try and learn something new about what you could be doing with Canva in your business!

🎯Take Action

This is your sign. Take the opportunity to look at your schedule (or your budget) and find something to cut to make room for something you really want to do (hmmm…this week is starting to feel a lot like last week’s topic, huh?)

Reply and let me know what you are making room for in your schedule or budget!

Join the conversation on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts!

Let it be Easy,

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