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Welcome to the TSA Weekly
by Kelly L. Gabel

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration, Efficiency, and Action

🧠 Thought of the Week

“Two Years, not Two Months.”

James Clear

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Progress takes time. If you are expecting, and counting on, quick results in any area of growth, including your business…let me share some of my hard won experience.

Focus on creating a daily process that you actually enjoy, because it’s what your life is gonna look like for as long as you want that growth to be a reality.

Achieving a milestone doesn’t mean you no longer have to do the work. It just means that it becomes more second nature.

So, if your strategy is to bust your butt “for a few months or even years” until you hit your goals and then you can find balance…I hate to break it to you, but that’s not how it works.

⚙️ Streamline Your Week

Did you know that you can use automation to perform calculations in Trello Custom Fields? I use it to streamline how I track my Business Budget and it saves me time every month!

Check it out in this week’s tutorial.

🎯Take Action

Look at your daily routine. Is there anything that’s a part of it that you don’t enjoy? Now examine the reason behind why you started doing it. If you still want that goal, then I suggest you start looking for a more enjoyable way to get there.

I’d love to hear what changes you plan to make, so feel free to leave a comment and tell me!

Join the conversation on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts!

Let it be Easy,

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