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Welcome to the TSA Weekly
by Kelly L. Gabel

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration, Efficiency, and Action

🧠 Thought of the Week

“Your Schedule will not lie to you. It’s going to tell you what matters.”

Kelly L. Gabel

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As 2024 comes to a close, are you reflecting on your year and wondering why you didn’t come close to achieving some of your goals?

Here’s the good news: it might not be your fault. In fact, the problem might not be you—it might be the goal itself!

When we pursue goals that genuinely excite us, we naturally create the time and space to work toward them. But what about those goals that seem to stall no matter how much effort we put in?

Here’s the truth: the goals we don’t achieve often come down to one of two things within our control:


  1. The goal was based on “shoulds” instead of what truly matters to you.
  2. You didn’t set a clear intention or make room in your life to prioritize it.

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⚙️ Streamline Your Week

Is YouTube part of your business strategy? If so, I need share an awesome tool that has helped me more than double the size of my channel in 2024. It’s called VidIQ, and it’s what this week’s video is about.

Check it out

🎯Take Action

It’s not too late to set the right goals for 2025. Hop into a FREE TRIAL of the Tech-Savvy Academy today and start with the Design Your Dream Year course!

Join the conversation on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts!

Let it be Easy,

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