Top 5 Tools for New Entrepreneurs
OK, I've been asked by so many in my audience to create a list of the essential entrepreneur tech tools for any biz owner. Since entrepreneur tech and business automation are things I am SUPER passionate about, I figured it was time I do that! As technology and...
How to Thrive Through Adversity
We are in the middle of a really unique and challenging time in our history. Each of us experiences this pandemic and self-isolation in completely different ways and we face unique challenges. Between the anxiety of social isolation, financial fears, and worries for...
Are you Wearing Your Busy Badge?
Why do I wear my busyness as a badge of honor? "Hi! Wow, I haven't seen you in FOREVER!!! How ARE you?!" "So busy!! But good! You?" Sound familiar? This reply to "How are you?" is like my default auto-reply. I don't know if I say it because I'm trying to explain away...
3 Essential Ingredients of a Positive Mindset
"Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it." -Steve Maraboli They say optimists see the world through rose colored glasses, and that somehow this optimistic point of view can lead to disappointment and frustration. But if you’re...