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Spoiler Alert: ActiveCampaign is one of the best purchases I’ve made for my business. 

Hands down.

However, just ‘cuz this is true for me, doesn’t automatically mean it will be true for you.

Real quick, let’s get some introductions out of the way, shall we?

Welcome! Nice to meet you!

I’m Kelly Gabel and I am a multi-passionate, Faith-based entrepreneur. My mission is to take you from Overwhelmed to Empowered through your Business Process and Automation Transformation!

I know what it’s like to start a business and then wake up one day and realize that running a business is NOTHING like you thought it would be!

I’ve got you!

Your unique talents and voice are so needed in the world and I am honored to have the opportunity to help you take the first steps towards creating the business you actually want!

For more free business training, come join me over on YouTube! You can leave comments there with specific tools and training you need.

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I sincerely hope you hop over there! I would love to connect with you personally!

So, as you can tell, this post is a deeper dive into one specific platform, but if you’d like a higher-level overview of all the tools I have reviewed, you should make sure to check out this previous post where I share with you some of the most important tools you are going to need to help you run your business.

Ok…so first, just to make sure you didn’t miss it above, ActiveCampaign is one of the tools that I personally use and love.

So…let’s break down some of the features, pros, and cons, to see if this one is right for you!


ActiveCampaign solves a lot of your problems as you run your business.
I say this because I’ve mentioned before that you need to be a bit wary when one system tries to be too many things to too many people…and that holds true in this case as well.
However, I feel like ActiveCampaign has been smart about how they expanded their features and offerings.
They are growing, but they are clearly making sure to provide quality with the new features they roll out.
When I started with ActiveCampaign, they had email automation at the low price point, and then it was quite a jump to the next level where you got access to their CRM (Customer Relationship Manager).
It was a good start, but they were missing an integral middle piece…landing pages.
I actually almost jumped ship during 2020 to find a platform that would offer those, even though I really liked ActiveCampaign! Lucky for me, they released a beta version of landing pages before I made a switch, because I didn’t want to leave!
Now, I’m not going to say this platform is perfect. It’s not…none of them are…but this one values quality over quantity and it shows.

True Cost

Cost is not the best feature of ActiveCampaign.
It’s certainly not the most expensive option out there, but it is the only one that I recommend that doesn’t have any freemium option…however, since I’ve partnered with them, you can give it a try for free for 14 days if you click HERE right now! 
You will also notice that after the trial, you can take advantage of a really affordable price for a while (just $9/mo!), depending on the size of your list, and which features you want to take advantage of…so let’s talk details.
*The LIMITED TIME offer in this image has already expired.
When I first started with ActiveCampaign, I started with the Lite plan and I paid annually (which I typically always recommend for 2 reasons… 1. you save money, 2. you need to give a new system at least a full year before you jump ship and go somewhere else!).
Fortunately for me, when they  brought on the beta of Landing pages, like I mentioned above, my loyalty to the platform was rewarded and I got (and maintained) access at my current price point.
While that won’t help you right now, it does say a lot about the company in general.
Many other platforms (**cough, cough, MailChimp, cough, cough**) don’t seem to understand the importance of customer loyalty and will not only not grandfather you into new features, they actually take away the ones you’ve had for years!
Support the companies that understand what it means to support you.

Customer Service

Which brings me to ActiveCampaign customer service.

All I can say here is…they ROCK!

I hop onto their chat support all the time, and not only are they typically very knowledgeable and kind, they will even record quick video walkthroughs to show me exactly what they are trying to help me do…rather than just sending me a list of article links that I could’ve found on my own.

This is especially helpful for you as a new business owner, because sometimes, just reading what to do just isn’t enough.

Diversification of Systems

I have mentioned before that I don’t like to have all of my eggs in one platform basket…and it’s true.
While there is much to be said about keeping your systems simple, I find that using the fewest systems possible works best in the corporate world where you are more likely to have a greater need for system features and functionality and, frankly, higher budget.
In the solopreneur world, though, sometimes, we have to get a little…creative
This is where ActiveCampaign excels and, more importantly, where I come in!
I’ve found that most solopreneurs spend way too much money on convenience…and while it might seem worth it at first, in the long run, it comes back to bite you in the butt.
What you save in initial time, you lose…not only in budget, but in flexibility.
If I have learned anything since I started my first business over 20 years ago, it’s that your ability to pivot is paramount.
My mission is to help you maintain the flexibility you need to keep your business fresh, while also managing your budget so that you can still be profitable…all while not feeling overwhelmed.
It’s a tall order, I know, but I’m up to the challenge…so let’s talk!


ActiveCampaign Summary

So, summing up…for me, personally, this is one of the best options out there for email marketing and automation. If you decide to upgrade to use the Landing Pages and CRM features as well, you will find that this system can replace any other Sales Funnel platform as well.
ActiveCampaign understands that you need to be creative in your business process and they prioritize connections with many of the most popular tools available to help you run your business.
Even more important than that, they truly value you and it shows in more than one way. 
If you value email marketing highly in your business strategy and want to be able to set up automated flows so that you don’t have to personally touch every email that goes out, then your email marketing platform is not the place to go cheap.
You don’t need to break the bank, but you do get what you pay for.



Oh, and in case you were planning to integrate your email platform with PayPal, I’ve done a video tutorial on how to do that with ActiveCampaign over my channel.  

I am working on creating a whole playlist of tutorials for ActiveCampaign, so if there is something specific you’d like to learn, use the comments below to let me know!

*Heads up…there are a lot of links on my blog! Business tools are not one-size-fits-all, so I’m going to talk to you about what I think are your best options. If you choose to purchase through an affiliate link in one of my posts, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. You can see my disclaimer here

**When I am comparing multiple platforms in one post, the double (**) indicates the platform I am currently using for my business.