Tech-Savvy Tutorials: Pinterest and Tailwind

Tech-Savvy Tutorials: Pinterest and Tailwind

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt seems like lately everyone in the entrepreneur world is talking about how frustrated we are with social media algorithms and negative experiences using social media to grow our businesses…so we start looking for alternatives! I know I...
Create the Email Automation Framework of Your Welcome Series

Create the Email Automation Framework of Your Welcome Series

Reading Time: 3 minutesEmail Automation is one of the most powerful tools in the Solopreneur toolbelt.  One of the first things I learned when I started my first business 20 years ago, is that customers don’t care that it’s just me…they still want...
The First Email Series You Need to Write

The First Email Series You Need to Write

Reading Time: 2 minutesNow that you’ve decided to lean into your new Email Marketing strategy, the first question that probably popped into your head was… So what the heck do I write? The answer to that question will be different for you than anyone else....
How To Choose Your Email Marketing Platform

How To Choose Your Email Marketing Platform

Reading Time: 2 minutesSo you are considering including Email Marketing in your business strategy. I think that is a great idea!  Above all other marketing strategies, email marketing is the only type that you own 100% and in an ever-changing online business world,...
Essential Business Terms You Need to Know Today: Part 1

Essential Business Terms You Need to Know Today: Part 1

Reading Time: 5 minutesSo you’re reading an email, blog post, social media caption, or maybe even sitting in a free consultation with a potential new coach or VA and they keep talking about all these “things” you need to be using as you run your...